Paul Evans 16th May 2009

I don't know where to begin to convey how I feel about Peter's passing. I knew him only fleetingly compared to many other contributors, but in those six years I became friends with one of the most intelligent and patient men that I have ever had the good fortune of knowing. Peter Riley was a gentleman with very traditional family values who lived his life as a beacon of virtue. His appetite for life was reflected in his never ending quest for knowledge that he could share through his publishing. His wisdom and his generosity were self evident: and his capacity for wit was unsurpassed. His family that he leaves behind are his legacy! His two sons Daniel and Adam: and his two daughters Melanie and Sophie: and not forgetting his soul mate and wife Donna. His influence enabled his children to grow up in an environment of love and warmth, tempered with the knowledge of right and wrong: and this alone would be a proud heritage for anyone. More that that however, Peter touched the souls of everyone who had the pleasure of knowing this gentle human being: and in so doing helped each and everone of us to develop and grow as human beings ourselves. God speed Peter: and may your journey be as pleasant as my life has been for knowing you. Paul Evans